Phill Pullinger

Phill Pullinger

About Phill

Phill is a GP, conservationist, author of Tarkine Trails, and co-founder of Kuno. Phill has broad expertise and a long held passionate commitment to the natural world.


Phill grew up in Burnie on the North-West Coast of Tasmania, and has long had a love for nature, passion for its protection, and belief in the importance of nature in people's lives.

Phill's efforts to and success in conserving nature have included work with the Cam River Action Group, The Wilderness Society, Doctors for Forests, the Tarkine National Coalition, Environment Tasmania and Kuno.

Phill's has worked as a doctor in emergency, general practice and rural and remote medicine in Alice Springs, SW Western Australia, Central Australia, Western NSW and Tasmania.

Phill has Masters degrees in Economics and Public Policy, and is author of Tarkine Trails.

Phill currently works as a GP on Bruny Island and as founder of Kuno.

Articles by Phill

Cliffs of Gold Bruny Island Warwick Berry

Geological History of Bruny Island

The geological event that dominates present day South Bruny was the rising up of huge volumes of magma from the Earth's crust 174 million years ago. When hardened, this formed dolerite which can be seen in South Bruny's stunning sea cliffs.

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Guardians of the Forest

Guardians of the Forest

This short film explores efforts to save the beautiful rainforests of Panay Island, home to extraordinary species like the Warty pig, Visayan hornbill and Negros bleeding-heart pigeon.

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David Attenborough Gavin Thurston

David Attenborough on how to save our planet

Naturalist Sir David Attenborough addresses the biggest question of our times - how to save our planet.

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Nathan dumlao laptop in nature unsplash

Coding for Earth

Kuno is on a mission to build a web platform that makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to see, learn about, connect with and act for Earth. We are looking for someone who is passionate about nature AND is passionate about coding, to join our team!

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Members at 10 terminal

Saving the headland in the Harbour

A dynamic community campaign mobilised public support behind protection of a remarkable natural and cultural landscape in the heart of Sydney harbour.

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Pale Dlue Dot photo by NASA on Unsplash

Earth Charter

Crafted by visionaries, the Earth Charter is an ethical foundation for actions to build a more just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It offers a vision of hope and a call to action.

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Photo by Action Vance on Unsplash Earth from Space

Life on Earth

Life has existed on planet earth for at least 3.5 billion years. Over this time, an intricate web of life has evolved, and more than 2 million different types of plants and animals now call Earth home.

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Forty Spotted Closeup Kim Murray

Calling all Bruny Island Nature lovers!

Here is how to join an exciting project to ‘crowd-source’ an online field guide to the Natural history, wildlife, stories and challenges facing the Nature of Bruny Island - lunawannah-alonnah

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Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai - founder of the Green Belt movement

This tribute explores the remarkable work of Professor Wangari Maathai - founder of the Green Belt movement

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Jane Goodall Credit Jane Goodall Institute

Jane Goodall on the web of life

Jane Goodall makes a plea for saving Earth's fragile web of life in this moving short film.

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Kayak on Savage Phil Pullinger closeup

International River Grading System

The International River Grading System has been designed to provide an indication of the degree of difficulty for paddling of a rapid and/or river.

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Galleries by Phill

Bruny Island Coastline

Bruny Island has an intricate, complex, beautiful and varied coastline, ranging from sheltered inlets, shallow bays, mudflats, lagoons, and grand sea-cliffs, through to long sandy ocean facing beaches.

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Mosman Wildlife

Dozens of species of native animals frequent the remnant moist gullies and bushland of the Mosman peninsula, from the Eastern Water Dragon to Peron's Tree Frog and the endangered Powerful Owl

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Bruny Island wildlife

Bruny Island is a haven for rare and unique birds and animals, and is one of the best bird-watching spots in Australia.

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Galleries Contributed by Phill

Pelagic Birds of Tasmania

Pelagic birds are birds that spend a large part of their life on the open ocean. These include the majestic Albatross, petrels and terns. This gallery of Pelagic birds by Marcio Conrado was taken off the Tasman Peninsula

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Bruny Island Coastline

Bruny Island has an intricate, complex, beautiful and varied coastline, ranging from sheltered inlets, shallow bays, mudflats, lagoons, and grand sea-cliffs, through to long sandy ocean facing beaches.

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Birds of the Atlantic Forest

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse forests in the world including almost 1000 bird species. Here are a few of these birds from photographer Marcio Conrado.

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Duco - redemption in nature

Imagery from the life of Duco, a Brazilian environmentalist, nature and bird-guide who found redemption in nature

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Projects by Phill

Bruny Nesting Box project

This project aims to provide critical nesting habitat for the endangered Forty-Spotted Pardalote
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