Duco - redemption in nature

Duco is a Brazilian environmentalist, nature and bird-guide who found redemption in nature

Eldorado, located in São Paulo, in Brazil, forms the backdrop for Duco's life. Eldorado is situated in the Atlantic Forest, one of the most biodiverse forests in the world. Duco is a descendant of the Quilombos, and his journey took him from palm heart extractor/hunter to tour guide. His dedication to studying and protecting the region's birds distinguished him as a community leader. The encounter with the majestic Ornate Hawk-eagle during the mating ritual marked a turning point in his life, encouraging him to dedicate himself even more to conservation.

Despite facing challenges and struggles along the way, Duco discovered redemption in his mission to preserve nature and share the tales of his ancestors, along with rare bird sightings, inspiring his community and others to follow his example.

Marcio Conrado
Marcio Conrado
Experienced video producer from Brazil, degree in Communication.


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