The Atlantic forest is a forest that runs down the east coast of Brazil. The forest harbours a vast range of species, including almost 1,000 bird species.
This gallery features some of my favourite moments photographing the birdlife of this special area.
The Atlantic forest is a forest that runs down the east coast of Brazil. The forest harbours a vast range of species, including almost 1,000 bird species.
This gallery features some of my favourite moments photographing the birdlife of this special area.
Tirich Mir (7,708m), the highest in the Hindukush Mountain Range, has been surrounded by interesting myths for thousands of years.
Today the Netherlands has a reputation as a kind of bicycling paradise. This was not inevitable but the result of a long and concerted effort.
Bruny Island is one of the most important breeding habitats for the Swift Parrot. It has the habitat that the Swift Parrots need to produce their chicks in tree hollows, and it is also free of the Sugar Glider – a key introduced predator.
You can never replace looking into the eyes of a little pademelon or something in the pouch, or holding a devil or hearing their noise at night, writes acclaimed Tasmanian wildlife scientist Dr Sally Bryant. There's nothing that will ever replace those natural connections.
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