Pelagic birds are usually seen several kilometres off shore or more. Pelagic birds frequenting Tasmania's offshore waters include species of albatross, such as the Wandering Albatross and Shy Albatross. These are magnificent birds that live in small groups and have masterful flight, soaring effortlessly and with sweeping gliding motion. Other pelagic birds frequenting Tasmania's offshore waters include Petrels, such as the Great-Winged Petrel or White-headed Petrel. This gallery of pelagic birds including Albatross and Petrels, was taken by wildlife photographer Marcio Conrado off the Tasman Peninsula
Pelagic birds are usually seen several kilometres off shore or more. Pelagic birds frequenting Tasmania's offshore waters include species of albatross, such as the Wandering Albatross and Shy Albatross. These are magnificent birds that live in small groups and have masterful flight, soaring effortlessly and with sweeping gliding motion. Other pelagic birds frequenting Tasmania's offshore waters include Petrels, such as the Great-Winged Petrel or White-headed Petrel. This gallery of pelagic birds including Albatross and Petrels, was taken by wildlife photographer Marcio Conrado off the Tasman Peninsula
Pelagic birds are birds that live on the open sea. Here wildlife photographer Marcio Conrado explores some of the extraordinary pelagic birds off the coast of the Tasman Peninsula in Tasmania
Carlos Roberto Silva "Duco" - Is a Brazilian environmentalist, and professional nature and bird watching guide. Duco discovered redemption in nature. This is his story.
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse forests in the world including almost 1000 bird species. Here are a few of these birds from photographer Marcio Conrado.
Bruny Island is an island, off an island, off an island, surrounded by islands. Image: Nick Monk
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