
White gum manna bryant

Farmer of the white gums

The forty-spotted pardalote is one of Australia's most endangered birds and is only found in tiny pockets of white gum woodland on Tasmania's east coast. Ecologically, it's probably one of the most remarkable birds on the planet, says wildlife ecologist Dr Sally Bryant. That's because it farms its own food.

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Cat Guide 7

The beauty of nature guiding

Guides, especially local guides, give a great deal of added value to people who are traveling the planet and who love nature, says specialist guide on Bruny Island, Cat Davidson. Being out with someone who lives in a place and understands a place, does give you so many more layers to your experience.

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Simon garden 4

Caring and connecting on North Bruny

Living where we do now, we are very, very much connected to place, writes the Chair of the Friends of North Bruny, Simon Allston. It's a magical place and a really special place to live. It's increasingly obvious it's an extraordinary place on a planetary level, and we're doing everything we can to look after its precious natural environment.

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Cat Young South Africa 2

Growing up surrounded by science

Bird ecologist Dr Catherine Young always said she wouldn't follow in her brother's footsteps, into environmental science. But growing up in South Africa with a mother who loved wildlife she was surrounded by it, and it wasn't long before it beckoned her as well.

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Megan sanford Loch Ness

From Loch Ness to South Bruny Island

I think I'm going to blame my parents. I grew up on the shore of Loch Ness in Scotland and they own a garden nursery, so I was permeated with plant names since day one, says specialist bird and nature guide Cat Davidson, of her early connection to nature.

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Cloudy Bay Lagoon Warwick Berry

The magic of Bruny Island

"It's just a place that you feel very alive and you feel nature feeling very alive around you," says specialist guide with Inala Nature Tours, Cat Davidson of Bruny Island in southern Tasmania. It has amazing, diverse habitat types, specialist birds and animals and a strong community. It is home.

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Swift Parrot 66543

Rare and elusive: the two Bruny birds on visitor wish lists

We will often be sent a wish list by someone before they even arrive on Bruny Island, Inala Nature Tours guide Cat Davidson says of visiting bird-watchers. Nearly every single time the critically-endangered swift parrot or the endangered forty-spotted pardalote is high on the list.

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Short beaked Common Dolphin 48704

Species, emotion and place

Take a moment to think about a species you care about, and the emotions you feel when you think about the interactions you've had. You might feel a sense of magic or a loss of words. Ecologist and PhD student Edith Shum wants to understand that feeling and how it connects to place and environmental change.

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Fairy Tern 51380

Protecting Bruny's beach-dwellers

Dog management on Bruny Island is a big issue, writes bird ecologist Dr Eric Woehler. He has many photos of dogs predating on vulnerable eggs, chicks and adult nesting birds - and he's urging dog owners to put them on a lead.

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Superb Fairy wren 02768

Bruny Island Bird Festival

It's well documented that people with a connection to Nature - or to something they like - are far more active in conserving it, writes BirdLife Tasmania's Karen Dick. The Bruny Island Bird Festival occurs every two years and is a critical event to help develop that connection. It's also a time to inspire the next generation.

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Adventure Bay Hall

Packed hall attends Bruny launch

On a wild windswept day, a packed Adventure Bay hall joined Inala, the Bruny Island Environment Network and Kuno's event "Crowdsourcing the Nature of Bruny"

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