Yes, I do remember it still; the soft sibilance of long-gone years; the chatter-cackle of kids, the rustle-rattle of wind in trees.
I remember, the shift-shuffle-smudged colours of years like wind-driven clouds of time scurrying by.
Stream's giggle-trickle-tumble on river rocks, chubby children's toes in cold, clear water.
Bright-eyed tots crouched on supple haunches wonderstruck by the sunlit glisten on sundew's whiskers, the hurry-scurry of ants, the bright colours of heath and the bursting, bubbly years of childhood.
I hear them still... as time compacts those long summer days into distant....
Bright-eyed tots crouched on supple haunches wonderstruck by the sunlit glisten on sundew's whiskers
Yes, I do remember it still; the soft sibilance of long-gone years; the chatter-cackle of kids, the rustle-rattle of wind in trees.
I remember, the shift-shuffle-smudged colours of years like wind-driven clouds of time scurrying by.
Stream's giggle-trickle-tumble on river rocks, chubby children's toes in cold, clear water.
Bright-eyed tots crouched on supple haunches wonderstruck by the sunlit glisten on sundew's whiskers, the hurry-scurry of ants, the bright colours of heath and the bursting, bubbly years of childhood.
I hear them still... as time compacts those long summer days into distant....
Bright-eyed tots crouched on supple haunches wonderstruck by the sunlit glisten on sundew's whiskers
The geological event that dominates present day South Bruny was the rising up of huge volumes of magma from the Earth's crust 174 million years ago. When hardened, this formed dolerite which can be seen in South Bruny's stunning sea cliffs.
Protecting beach birds is not just about focussing on where they might be when they’re breeding. Its about saying – “these birds occupy many beaches”.
The Golden Marmot are a large species of rodent that live in burrows and extended social groups, and are found in the Himalayas. This fascinating documentary explores their ecology.
I think I'm going to blame my parents. I grew up on the shore of Loch Ness in Scotland and they own a garden nursery, so I was permeated with plant names since day one, says specialist bird and nature guide Cat Davidson, of her early connection to nature.
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