Crowd-sourcing the Nature of Bruny

Bruny Island
Bruny Island’s Nature online: Launch of an exciting project to crowd-source an online field guide to Bruny Island’s Natural history, stories and conservation.

Saturday 14th of September - 12noon

Adventure Bay Hall, Bruny Island

We invite anyone with a love, interest in or knowledge of Bruny Island, its wildlife, Natural history and stories to come along. Hear from exceptional speakers, learn how to get involved, and join us for some light refreshments.

Proudly supported by Inala Nature Tours, the Bruny Island Environment Network and Kuno

For more information:

Bruny Launch Sat Sept 14th
Crowd-sourcing the Nature of Bruny: Sat Sept 14th at Adventure Bay Hall

Connecting you with the best thing that has happened to the Universe - planet Earth


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