Takayna / Tarkine is a hugely diverse wild landscape with an extraordinary history. Largely unprotected this region has huge potential for national park and world heritage status. With vast areas of rainforest, stunning waterways, unique geology, a fascinating human history and varied wildlife, takayna is a global treasure.
Takayna / Tarkine is a hugely diverse wild landscape with an extraordinary history. Largely unprotected this region has huge potential for national park and world heritage status. With vast areas of rainforest, stunning waterways, unique geology, a fascinating human history and varied wildlife, takayna is a global treasure.
Experienced advocate for environmental and social change, Paul Oosting, reflects on how childhood experiences led him to a lifetime commitment to nature
It is unusual that there's only three species of parrot that migrate across open water in the world. They all migrate across Bass Strait, and they're all on the threatened species list. These are the Swift Parrot and the Orange-Bellied Parrot, which are both critically endangered, and the Blue-Winged Parrot, which has just been listed as vulnerable.
Do we want to have a world with Swift Parrots, or don't we? If we do, we've got to act right now because we're running out of time fast. Here are 8 critical challenges for the Swift Parrot.
The 40-spotted Pardalote is a very specialised bird and one of the rarest on planet Earth. Expert Dr Andrew Hingston explains some of this beautiful endangered bird's ecology.
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