The trees, the flowers around us – aesthetically - they are beautiful, but they are also serving a really important function. They provide us with clean air, clean water, food and fibre. Even the forestry industries rely on pollinators like Swift Parrots, ironically, and other pollination species like birds and bats and bees and mammals.
It is so important for young children to understand how important it is to protect our natural landscapes, our native habitats and the species that are within them, understand the tools that they can adopt on their own property or influence in their community.
I started very young in the conservation landscape, as probably a three or four year old - bird watching, and monitoring for insects, and understanding the natural world around me. The future generation are our future conservationists, and we need them to harness their information, to look at some of the mistakes of the past, and really take that on and take a different direction for their future. It's really important for our young kids and future generations to play a part in the future of this planet.
It is so important for our future generations to be aware, understand, be connected and appreciate nature and the natural world, because the natural world is what enables us to sustain our livelihoods on this planet.
The trees, the flowers around us – aesthetically - they are beautiful, but they are also serving a really important function. They provide us with clean air, clean water, food and fibre. Even the forestry industries rely on pollinators like Swift Parrots, ironically, and other pollination species like birds and bats and bees and mammals.
It is so important for young children to understand how important it is to protect our natural landscapes, our native habitats and the species that are within them, understand the tools that they can adopt on their own property or influence in their community.
I started very young in the conservation landscape, as probably a three or four year old - bird watching, and monitoring for insects, and understanding the natural world around me. The future generation are our future conservationists, and we need them to harness their information, to look at some of the mistakes of the past, and really take that on and take a different direction for their future. It's really important for our young kids and future generations to play a part in the future of this planet.
It is so important for our future generations to be aware, understand, be connected and appreciate nature and the natural world, because the natural world is what enables us to sustain our livelihoods on this planet.
Walden or Life in the Woods, the reflections of Henry Thoreau on living simply and close to nature, is one of the most influential books in American literature.
The ground parrot is one of only three ground-dwelling parrots in the world, says wildlife ecologist Dr Sally Bryant. It is a fantastic species about which she knew little when she started a two-year project to assess its conservation status. That project taught her about sound.
The Markhor is a large species of goat that frequents the Karakoram and Himalayan mountains. This documentary features exquisite footage of the Markhor and other wildlife of the Chitral region.
Every year the short-tailed shearwaters leave the shores of Tasmania and head back to Alaska, leaving their young behind. No-one has told them how to get there. It just blows your mind that it's even possible, writes BirdLife Tasmania Convenor Karen Dick.
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