"Trees are the foundation of a forest, but a forest is much more than what you see.” - Suzanne Simard
Dr. Suzanne Simard discovered that trees can communicate with each other because their root systems are connected by networks of beneficial fungi. These root and fungal networks are now referred to by scientists as the “wood wide web,” which trees can use to share water and nutrients with neighbour trees of the same species. Her research explains that trees communicate through electrical, visual, and olfactory means.
“When you know that trees experience pain and have memories and that tree parents live together with their children, then you can no longer just chop them down and disrupt their lives with larger machines.” ― Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of Trees.
Further research has shown that trees react to invading pests by releasing defensive compounds through their leaves. These compounds float on the breeze to neighbouring trees who trigger their own defence before disease take hold.
Sinard formed the inspiration for the character, Patricia Westerford, in the novel The Overstory which explores the lives of a number of forest activists, their activities, their motivations and their struggles. The work Sinard has pioneered has inspired more than works of fiction, but a whole new branch of scientific endeavour.
"Nature shows us how to live, love, and grow alongside each other." - Angie Weiland-Crosby
"Trees are the foundation of a forest, but a forest is much more than what you see.” - Suzanne Simard
Dr. Suzanne Simard discovered that trees can communicate with each other because their root systems are connected by networks of beneficial fungi. These root and fungal networks are now referred to by scientists as the “wood wide web,” which trees can use to share water and nutrients with neighbour trees of the same species. Her research explains that trees communicate through electrical, visual, and olfactory means.
“When you know that trees experience pain and have memories and that tree parents live together with their children, then you can no longer just chop them down and disrupt their lives with larger machines.” ― Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of Trees.
Further research has shown that trees react to invading pests by releasing defensive compounds through their leaves. These compounds float on the breeze to neighbouring trees who trigger their own defence before disease take hold.
Sinard formed the inspiration for the character, Patricia Westerford, in the novel The Overstory which explores the lives of a number of forest activists, their activities, their motivations and their struggles. The work Sinard has pioneered has inspired more than works of fiction, but a whole new branch of scientific endeavour.
"Nature shows us how to live, love, and grow alongside each other." - Angie Weiland-Crosby
A critical problem for Forty Spotted Pardalotes breeding is a native fly which lays its eggs inside their nests. When the eggs hatch, the maggots come out and burrow under the skin of the 40-Spotted Pardalote nestlings and suck their blood. But a unique conservation project might have found a solution
Crafted by visionaries, the Earth Charter is an ethical foundation for actions to build a more just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It offers a vision of hope and a call to action.
In this series we'll introduce you to some key people involved in building the Bruny Island field guide. Here, conservationist and Vice-President of the Bruny Island Environment Network James Bunker talks about the important work of BIEN and its many community projects.
We pay our respects to Tasmanian conservation giant, Distinguished Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick, who passed away last month aged 78. Kuno's Dan Broun spoke with Jamie last year and we publish this interview to help remember him and honour his life and legacy.
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