A place for city dwellers to breathe

I'd been living abroad and when I came back to live in Australia, though I grew up in Queensland, I settled in Sydney, found the bush of the Mosman Peninsula, and I just fell in love with it.

I love the trees and I love the naturalness of this particular area. Its Angophora trees are just so beautiful. They seem to be the characteristic tree around here. We've also got the Corymbias and they're gorgeous too and then there are the Banksias, Grevillias, Xanthorrhoea, all this coastal vegetation and heathland. Quite a few of the little birds are still around here. Quite a lot of natural things. We've got Powerful Owls around here. We've got mopokes, or BooBook Owls and Bush turkeys. We've got lots of bush turkeys, we've got Kookaburras and many common Australian birds, but we've got quite a few of the little birds too, little wrens which are very relevant to this area. We've been observing native rats here too. Walking down on the harbour I’ve noticed bush rat footprints, so it's it's a wonderful little area.

A pied Currawong, one of the many rich and varied species of birds of the Mosman Peninsula
It's amazing really, I mean here we are in this huge, huge city and we've got this very special little piece of national park and bushland.

The views from the harbour are something we think are very special. That you look from the harbour and you see greenery. So it's for the people of Sydney, the people who live here, it's for their benefit. But it's also for people who are visiting and coming from the harbour and looking at Sydney harbour more or less as it was in these parts. There are little bits of built environment from here and there, but you get quite a lot of the natural ambience of the harbour looking up at these areas.


Kate Eccles surveying Gooragal
Kate Eccles looking across Gooragal to Sydney Harbour
And it is really just so special to have this whole walking area within a major city. Now, the experience of COVID really brought this home to us.

How important it is for people to have somewhere to breathe, somewhere to go, somewhere to enjoy the native vegetation, the natural air, clear air and just experience the natural ambience. It's so good for our brains. I think it's very, very important for everyone, but especially for city dwellers. You really need your greenery, and you really need your open space too, but your bushland is just so special.

Coastal Vegetation Gooragal
Coastal vegetation at Gooragal, Mosman Peninsula in the heart of Sydney Harbour
I think it's very, very important for everyone, but especially for city dwellers. You really need your greenery, and you really need your open space too, but your bushland is just so special.
Gooragal to Chowder Bay
Glancing views through beautiful bushland on the Mosman peninsula to Sydney Harbour

Kate Eccles
Kate Eccles
President Mosman Parks & Bushland Association
Kate Eccles is the President of the Mosman Parks & Bushland Association.


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